With regard to the Supreme Court Judgement and guidelines issued in 1997 to provide for the effective enforcement of the basic human right of gender equality and guarantee against sexual harassment and abuse, more particularly against sexual harassment at work places, the University Grants Commission (UGC) has issued circulars since 1998, to all the universities, advising them to establish a permanent cell and a committee; to develop guidelines to combat sexual harassment, violence against women and ragging at the universities and colleges. Keeping the above guidelines in view Jindal College for Women has constituted a Committee against Sexual Harassment. Jindal College for Women has committed itself to provide a congenial and conducive atmosphere in which students, teachers and non-teaching staff can work together in an environment free of violence, harassment, exploitation, and intimidation. This includes all forms of gender violence, sexual harassment, and discrimination on the basis of gender. Every member is expected to be aware of the commitment to the right to freedom of expression and association; it strongly supports gender equality and opposes any form of gender discrimination and violence. Attention is invited to students that Anti Sexual harassment cell is functioning in the college. Any unwanted incidents of Sexual harassment from anyone in the campus should be informed to the cell for remedial measures.

To build a supportive, democratic environment by instilling the principles of democratic values, tolerance, empathy, compassion and sensitivity to that students become responsible citizens.

To create an atmosphere of discipline and ensure that no act of sexual harassment takes place in college premises.


  • To provide a neutral, confidential and supportive environment for members of the campus community who may have been sexually harassed.
  • To deal with cases of discrimination and sexual harassment against women, in a time bound manner, aiming at ensuring support services to the victimized and termination of the harassment.
  • To ensure that students, faculty and staff are provided with current and comprehensive materials on sexual harassment and assault.
  • To promote awareness about sexual harassment through educational initiatives which encourages and foster a respectful and safe campus environment
  • To develop guidelines and norms for a policy against sexual harassment.
  • To develop principles and procedures for combating sexual harassment.
  • To organize gender sensitization awareness programmes.

Table: Anti Sexual Harassment Cell Member
S No. Name Designation
1 Prof.Veena T, Principal Chairperson
2 Prof. Lakshmi. B.G, Asst Professor, Commerce Dept Secretary
3 Prof. Kodhai. P, Asst Professor, Commerce & Management Dept Member
4 Prof. Deepika Burnwal HOD, Management Dept Member
5 Prof. Shashikala G Asst Professor, Management Dept Member
6 Prof. Divyashree N Asst Professor, Commerce Dept Member
7 Prof. Varsha Sharma Assoc Professor, Hindi Dept Member
8 Dr.Anitha B G , Asst Professor, Chemistry Dept Member
9 Prof.Kathyayini, Asst Professor, Computer Application Dept Member
10 Ms.Bhagyalakshmi, Director, Physical Education Member
11 2 Student Representatives Member

Annual Reports